Makers of the Bravo Business Processing and Accounting Software 

    updated May 20, 2012                    


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Mass posting of journal entries - You have just completed entering or importing your journal entries.  You have reviewed them and are now ready to post them.  Rather than posting them one at a time, simply select the journal entries you want to post and post them with one click.  Of course we double check to make sure debits equals credits and you are posting into an open period. 

Import journal entries from MS Excel - You have just completed a payroll allocation or your amortization journal entry in Excel.  Rather than re-keying it into the general ledger, simply import it. 
User-definable multi-segment chart of accounts - Don’t be stuck with the GL account structure your accounting software vendor want you to use.  With Bravo, you can define your account structure to be one, two, three or four segments.If you are only using two segments, only two segments will be displayed throughout the system.  Lastly, these are true segments that you can use. 
User-definable naming of segments - Don’t be stuck using the naming convention your accounting software vendor want you to use.  Some systems force your first segment to be department and the second to account number as an example.  With Bravo, name the segments whatever you like and they will display with your naming convention throughout the system. 
User-definable grouping of accounts - Classify your chart of accounts for reporting purposes.  You create the groups yourself.  For example, you may want to create a group called "Cash & Cash Equivalents" so that you can print out lead schedules for your CPA or CA. 
Multiple open periods with security - Control which period transactions affect.  Don’t be limited to date sensitive transaction posting found in low-end packages.  You can have multiple open periods at one time.   
Password protection for sensitive accounts - Bravo general ledger query or drill-down is a great feature but you may not want your bookkeeper to have the right to query every account.  By password protecting an account, only authorized personnel can query the account.  This is a great way to protect accounts like officer’s salaries, recruiting costs, etc.

Unlimited explanation of journal entries - Don’t be limited to having to describe your journal entries in 30 characters or less.  With Bravo, you have an unlimited journal entry description.  In addition, each line of the journal entry may also have a short description.

Unlimited number of budgets per year - Define an unlimited number of budgets per year with your naming convention such as the 2000 prelim budget, the 2000 final budget, the 2000 optimistic budget, etc. 
Recurring journal entries - Stop entering the same journal entry month after month.  With Bravo, simply make the journal entry recurring.  Bravo will also let you set a termination date for the journal entry.  Use it for items like amortization expenses or depreciation journal entries. 
Auto-reversing journal entries - Need to make a journal entry and then reverse it the next month.  Let Bravo do the reversing for you.  We call it a provisional journal entry. 
Drill-Down Query - Need to find out information about an account, including monthly balances and net change.  Or view the transactions affecting an account and then drill down to the original transaction.  This is a great tool for someone doing account analysis. 
Integration with Bravo Financial Reportwriter - Don’t settle for 1970s type of financial report writer that uses things like roll-up accounts.  This GUI report writer will keep your chart of accounts clean, creates fantastic looking reports and you already know how to use it. 
Unlimited history - Gone are the days of purging your transactions at year-end.  Keep the detail as long as you like. 
Mass copy accounts when creating new dept., divisions, etc.  - Perhaps you using a multi-segment chart of account and your company has added another location, dept., div., or whatever; rather than re-keying a whole series of accounts, simply use Bravo’s mass copy function.

Subledger batch editing/posting - Want to control the batches from other Bravo modules.  Bravo allows you to view and edit them before you post them


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